The Acera School Literary Magazime

About Sidewalk Scenes

Sidewalk Scenes is a plan for a literary magazine organized by the Flash Fiction elective. The magazine will feature schoolwide submissions of student-made literature and art.

This is where the community gets to pitch in. If there is a piece of literature or art that you made that you think you would like to share with the community, please submit it as stated below. Submissions can be work that has already been done including for school or original work for this magazine.

The deadline for submission is Friday, April 27. The Guidelines for Submission:

Fiction--2000 words or less. Poetry Art--see the amazing members of flash fiction if you need help digitizing. Literary Reviews/Book Recommendations

All entries should be submitted by the deadline to your core classroom teachers, with the subject line “Sidewalk Submissions”. Don’t forget to include your name and the title of your work!

If there are any exceptions to these guidelines, please bring your situation to one of the Flash Fiction members and CC Vered-- we would happy to find a way to fit your work into our magazine. You can contact us at one of our emails or find us during any point in the school day.

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee that every story or art piece makes it into the final magazine, but we will consider everything submitted.


All content should be digitized before submission.

We will respond as soon as possible